i-point web design

is a personalized web and graphic design service. Unlike other services that may outsource or disappear, we are here for you and your organization every day. Call on us for a big project, or call on us to add a comma. We’re here for you, and we’re proud to say our work is “Made in the USA.”

From start to finish, we’ll  design your custom site with you in mind, whether it’s a brochure site, an e-commerce site, or a WordPress site. We are happy to work with you on preparing your content for the web or arranging domain name and hosting services.

We can also connect your website to Google Analytics, Constant Contact, or Paypal. Once your site is launched, we’ll work with you on getting it noticed through Facebook, Twitter, a blog, an email campaign, or SEO. We are a full service shop with personal customer service. i-Point Web Design is a division of i-Point Media Group.

i-Point Web Design. Think FRESH.

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